Sunday, October 28, 2012

The End of Something Good and the Start of Something Better

At the end of every tale there is, well, the ending of course.

It can be heart wrenching, making tears fall down your cheeks like the rain from a hurricane. It can be beautiful like the sun setting from a distance. But it can also mean the promise of a greater future.

Take Ariel for instance. Her ending was the start of her life as a human. It was the becoming of her dream, and the start of a better life. Her ending was bittersweet. Not quite a sob-wrenching tale, but it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies either. But her ending was the start of her being apart of another world.

That's what everyone hopes of when they have to go out and start being apart of the real world. Actually bringing something of quality to the table, making society a better place.

Maybe that's why the idea of college is so scary. It's one step closer.

Speaking of college, take Toy Story 3. Now that was a heart throbbing, make you and your father weep, full of unwanted closure kind of ending.

That's what happens though. You grow out of old things- no matter how much joy they brought to you at one point. Why do you think they come out with a new IPhone every six months?

I thought it was really going to end. That I would never see Buzz and Jessie and Mr. Potato Head again. But even though it was gut wrenching when the toys you grew up with sat there in the trash heap and held hands; Woody and the gang got to live out another whole life. A new life with a bright, young future.

Don't give up looking for it either.

Rapunzel never gave up. She saw what she wanted, and did everything in her power to get that. She went through dams breaking, caves flooding, horse chasing and not to mention that band of ruffians lead by her so- called "mother".

Yeah, she had her doubts. "Is it really better out there in the real world?" "I'm safe up here in this tower. Will I be safe out there?" She had all these questions and concerns, yet she still leaps off that tower. "And with every passing hour, I'm so glad I left my tower!" She kept going back and forth, from being happy to the worst daughter in the world.

Doing something you've longed to do for your entire life is what I imagine to be spectacular.
There might be initial doubt or shadowed guilt at first, but it's always worth it in the end.

Always leap off the tower.

That's what Rapunzel showed me.

That's what Disney taught me.